Sunday, October 3, 2010


I just have one wish after watching this movie, somebody please stop Shyamalan from doing any more movies because it is a total crap! Don't believe me? Try watching Signs, The Village, Lady in the Water, The Happening and the Last Air Bender, and you will get what I mean. Major total crap! And he making money producing a crap thing! (And why the hell I watch his movies, I don't quite understand either. Maybe because there were no decent movie that is worth watching so I end up watch this crap. Good strategy there Mr. Shyamalan. Malaysian movie producer please take note.)

Put aside Sixth Sense. Sixth Sense is just a one time wonder.

I found a website where people make fun of the movie. Click here. The best one probably this one by Mr. Ryan Corderman where he said, "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing us M. Night Shyamalan was a genius." LOL. Nice one Mr. Corderman.

I love the movie's tagline too. "Bad things happen for a reason." Wow. Catchy, and sounds mysterious, but isn't good things happen for a reason too? Everything in this world happen for a reason God damnit!

And I read from IMDB that Shyamalan actually are working on the sequel. What the hell?

So by now I know already, when it comes to choose between a Malay movie and Shyamalan's, I choose..... well this is a very tough decision to choose. I choose not to choose.


Dils said...

Inilah jadinye apabila tidak choose untuk tengok Piranha? Dah tengok Piranha belom? Super awesome gory !

naz said...

Eh ada cerita piranha ke now showing?

iceroll said...

ntah. kite checked out arituh rase mcm takde kan?

Dils said...

Ade je lagi, tak banyak showing la tinggal.