Wednesday, July 21, 2010


This year alone I've watched 3 considerably good movies. They are Kick-Ass, Toy Story 3 and Inception.

Well, about Inception, my gf thought it was overrated. I on the other hand, felt it is good. Not the best but rather good. For me it feels like watching a Stanley Kubrick directing a Matrix movie.

The movie is about... the hell I'm not gonna write down the plot here. Go wiki it you lazy bum.

But I really like how Christopher Nolan describes the different layers of the dreams. Altough there actually four different scenarios indicating four different layers of dream, the audience will never get confuse of which is which. Brilliantly done there.

And I read in Yahoo! News, Inception is the best movie yet shown so far this year and it is the most likely candidate to win the Oscar. Urghhh. I wouldn't agree with that though. I still think Toy Story 3 is much better.

But all in all, good movie to watch. Worth every penny. And make sure you go in with your mind blind folded. You'll get what I mean.

Disclaimer: The picture was taken from here.


naz said...

you actually make a good movie-going partner.

iceroll said...

Heh. And I love watching a movie with u.